He added that the scope of the NSL's application "fully aligns with the principles of international law, international practice and common practice adopted in various countries and regions". The actions by NSD are reasonable, rational, legal, and indeed necessary," the government spokesman said. "No matter how the relevant countries harboured these absconders, and tried to exonerate them in various forms and means, they could not change the fact that the persons involved, who have fled overseas, are alleged to have continued to commit offences under the NSL that seriously endanger national security. The parents and brother of one of them, who is now living in Britain, were questioned by officers earlier this week over suspicions of assisting persons wanted for activities that endangered national security. The statement follows criticism from the UK and other countries of Hong Kong police for offering HK$1 million rewards for information leading to the arrests of eight people who have left the SAR and are wanted for alleged offences under the NSL. The HKSAR law enforcement agencies have been taking law enforcement actions based on evidence and strictly in accordance with the law in respect of the acts of the persons or entities concerned, and have nothing to do with their political stance, background or occupation," a government spokesman said.

"No country will watch with folded arms acts and activities that endanger national security. In a statement, it said endangering national security was a very serious offence. The Hong Kong government on Friday said it strongly opposed and condemned government officials and politicians in Britain for "unreasonably smearing the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL), and attempting to demonise the actions taken by the National Security Department (NSD) of the Hong Kong Police Force."